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The year 2001 at searchlores
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December 2001 (the month of the trilogy)
  1. Merry xmas & happy new year to all readers! (Nice graphical effect of a .wav file when using Opera :-)
  2. [jeff_sas.htm]: Searching scarcity: Steganography and just-in-time info on the web by Jeff part of the [searching essays] section. "After what seemed a long weekend, and many attempts, using many combinations of search terms gathered as I read hundreds of pages... i finaly brought up what I was looking for"
  3. [skeleton.php]: A spider skeleton, by Laurent, and DQ
    Well, this is -ahem- 'just' -ahem- a basic spider skeleton, able to follow http links, but you'll nevertheless understand -at least- 'breath first' and 'depth first' parameters. This project is part of the glorious [PHP Lab], Of course the bot is delivered ad perpetuam rei memoriam to all lurkers, completed with [source code]!    Advanced PHP stuff
  4. My 're-ranking' trilogy: Part one: [yoyo1.htm]: The yo-yo technique by fravia+ (Tackling the 'down yonder' problem: a discussion about search engines' "depth") Part two: [synecdoc.htm]: The synecdochical searching method by fravia+ (substituting a part for the whole when searching), Part three: [epanalep.htm]: The epanaleptical approach (and other fuzzy searching tricks) by fravia+
    part of the [essays] section    Advanced searching stuff    ALL THREE PUBLISHED (and in fieri)
  5. [yoyo.php]: The yoyo WAND, by Laurent
    Well, this is -ahem- 'just' -ahem- a yoyo wand, able to implement my [yo-yo technique].
    Of course the bot is delivered ad perpetuam rei memoriam to all lurkers, completed with [source code]!
       Advanced PHP stuff
  6. [realicra/panthe88.htm]: The Cosmic Pyramid Scheme: Philosophical problems with a popular omni-benevolence paradigm by -Pantheon part of the [reality cracking] section. "Either there is no such thing as power of prayer, or if there is, I would rather retain my free will than participate in it"
  7. [evaluate/evalaust.htm]: Austerlitz Alterating historical data on and through the Web,
    ~ Ideated: 2 December (of course) 2001 :-)
    ~ Thought as an evaluation lore and as a present for GoW working on Xmas, part of the [Evaluation] lore.
  8. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [index.html] ~ [regional.htm] ~ [local.htm] ~ [index.htm] ~ [fravia.htm] ~ [introd.htm] ~ [srtools.htm] ~ [evaluate.htm] ~ [evalessa.htm] ~ [fu_speci.htm] (searching disappeared sites) ~ [details.htm] ~ [combress.htm] ~ [tadimens.htm] (third & fourth law) ~ [annoyanc.htm] ~ [usenet.htm] ~ [ideale.htm] ~ [general.htm] ~ [basic.htm] ~ [advanced.htm] ~ [classroo.htm] ~ [further.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [mirrors.htm] ~ [specs.htm] ~ [compound.htm] ~ [noanon.htm] [main.htm] ~ [targets.htm] (symbols) ~ [obscure.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~

November 2001 (a 'restitution' month)
  1. [serend_1.htm]: Serendipity (or how I figured out an easy way to search Google's cache) by Shoki, part of the [details.htm], section, with an addition by radix42.    Advanced
  2. [jonat_sql.htm]: How to fool SQL servers accessing by Jonathan
  3. [yoyo1.htm]: The yo-yo approach by fravia+ (Tackling the 'down yonder' problem), part of the [tips.htm], section
  4. [c_thirds.htm] About the image(s) hunt on Giglio's classroom
    by Messy Boy, rõnin and OOAA
    A solution for the third classroom do not read BEFORE having solved it
  5. [lavender.php]: The Minor Lavender Scroll Of most recent engines by Laurent, part of the [Searching scrolls] section.     Lavender smells "fresh engines"!     Updated
  6. [c97hack.htm]: The Penetration of CyberSitter'97 by Saruman, part of the [connecti.htm], section.    Restituted
  7. [anony_8.htm]: Surfing with the Proxomitron (A Series of Explorations) by AnonyMouse, part of the [pro_essa.htm], section.    Restituted
  8. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [index.html] ~ [c_third.htm] a solution ~ [c_third1.htm] ~ [ideale3.htm] ~ [mirrors.htm] ~ [realicra/body.htm] ~ [staltec1.htm] ~ [tadimens.htm] ~ [introd.htm] ~ [connecti.htm] ~ [main.htm] an updated ftp-form and Nemo's ameliorations ~ [info.htm] ~ [Inktomi searchtips] ~ [obscure.htm] ~ [introd.htm] ~ [tips.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [usenet.htm] ~ [fu_speci.htm] ~ [specs.htm] ~ [mirrors.htm] ~

October 2001 (the month of the cleaning)
  1. [lavender.php]: The Minor Lavender Scroll Of most recent engines by Laurent, part of the [Searching scrolls] section    Our most recent scroll for the most recent engines! Lavender smells freshness!
  2. [xthought.htm]: Some thoughts on CSE results (Commercial search engines ranking algos galore, with a "database addition" by rõnin) by ~X~, part of the [details.htm], section Advanced
  3. [ab4_aure.htm]: Some fun with Aureate (Faking DLLs for our own good) by garph0, part of the [malware.htm], section
  4. [carefula.htm]: Careful With That Axe Eugine! (Exploitable Standards in the mad rush to jump on the 'file sharing' bandwagon) by Finn61, part of the [malware.htm], section
  5. [aznetcat.htm]: The awesome netcat utility "I got mad and decided to finger them right back! And netcat is perfect for that!" by Angela Zaharia, part of the [ideale.htm], section
  6. [gs_00001.htm]: How to get to newsgroups... by gs, part of the [Usenet] section    A first stab by gs
  7. [clear.php]: The Clear scroll of Clairvoyance by Laurent, part of the [Searching scrolls] section    A recent and most useful scroll! (improved)
  8. [realicra/busplace.htm]: How to sit down in a crowded bus! by H3cker part of the [reality cracking] section. Shrewd strategies for quiet reversers
  9. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [fravia.htm] ~ [anonyweb.htm] (Corto's bobby trick) ~ [introd.htm] ~ [details.htm] ~ [tips.htm] ~ [nonimizz.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [proxy.htm] ~ [critics.htm] ~ [index.html] ~ [index.htm] ~ [flange.htm] (the Bk:flange of myth  acrostic) ~ [tadimens.htm] (optimistical laws of seeking) ~ [basimk.htm] ~ [compound.htm] (Vivisimo, sic) ~ [links.htm] ~ [c_third.htm] ~ [accmail.htm] (acronyms) ~ [main.htm] (new important engines added) ~ [basic.htm] ~

September 2001 (la rentrée)
  1. [namazu/main.htm]: What people are looking for at Namazu by Laurent, part of the [pepldoin] section
  2. [ideale2.htm#bypass]: How to bypass 'source checking' methods by Phrack Inc (Rix), part of the [site busting] section    For advanced Assembly buffs
  3. [realicra/flyfaith.htm]: Design for a Faith-Based Missile by Richard Dawkins part of the [reality cracking] section. Sarcasm against terror
  4. [clear.php]: The Clear scroll of Clairvoyance by Laurent, (improved) part of the [Searching scrolls] section    Our most recent scroll!
  5. [fechal2.htm#velit]: "A very inferior attempt @ SCHOUMNUS" (Are people clicking more or less?), by ~Veliti~, part of the [Searching Lab 2] section.
  6. [angela_1.htm]: Down in the Gehenna of Internet ads connections (Have you ever wondered...), by Angela Zaharia, part of the [Anti Advertisement] section.
  7. [to_do.htm]: Things you may do (ever wanted to contribute to my site?), part of the [Adventuring further alone] section.
  8. [somestats.htm]: Some statistics @ fravia's main site (January-August 2001)... in name of transparency...
  9. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [tips.htm] ~ [introd.htm] ~ [usenet.htm] ~ [critics.htm] ~ [search.htm] ~ [bots.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [seachal2.htm] ~ [index.htm] ~ [index.html] ~ [fravia.htm] ~ [fechal2.htm] ~ [anonyweb.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [seamara2.htm] ~ [ideale.htm] ~ [combing.htm] ~ [rt_bot1.htm] ~ [allinone.htm] ~ [glancekw.txt] ~ [allinon2.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [io13.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~

July-August 2001: Holy Holydays!
  1.       My friend Wau Holland died on 29 July :-(
    The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has organised a meeting to remember him @ HAL2001
  2. [august session] : Web wizard searching techniques, anti-advertisement galore and software reversing tips, a draft of fravia+'s session at HAL2001 on saturday 11 August 2001 (for those that could not attend, a video of each session will soon be available on hal2001 broadcast archives)
  3. [ridd_wot.htm] : Out of Finsterniss into the Light . vvf's "Comments on WayOutThere's (Zen) solution to Fravia's riddle" added , part of the [Hidden Essays]
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen... a new powerful searching scroll scrimshawed on ancient electrons...
    [~ The Clear Scroll of Clairvoyance ~]  ¤Ta-daa!¤   by Laurent
    "Knowing what other are searching for? Most useful at times", part of the [scroll room], of the [pepldoin.htm] section and of the [PHP Lab]
  5. New improvements at the [scroll room] by Laurent and DQ, with the [How to write def files] essay, by Laurent Advanced... for advanced searchers
  6. First strike on McDonald [realicra/roninmcdo.htm]: A look into marketing propaganda by rõnin and Tale of a hunting wolf by Telmor, part of the [reality cracking] section. Powersearching
  7. Hidden Essays Riddle: Out of Finsterniss into the Light: [ridd_wot.htm]
    by WayOutThere, part of the [Hidden Essays]
  8. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [main.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [hidddoor.htm] ~ [srtools.htm] ~ [photos.htm] ~ [faq.htm] ~

June 2001 (the month of _Mammon)
  1. An elvish blade, forged in the old ways... [scavenger.c]
    by Steven L. Edwards, Advanced... for mature readers
  2. A PHP Message Board Based on MySQL Database [http://fravia.2113.ch/phplab/mysqlmb.htm]
    by Little John, part of the [PHP Lab]
  3. New improvements at the [scroll room] by Laurent and DQ, with the [How to write def files] essay, by Laurent Advanced... for advanced searchers
  4. Some [pseudoanonymous relocators],
    from Corto's bag of web-tricks
  5. A [deposit] of search engines definition files
    by Laurent and -let's hope- other contributors as well
  6. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [papers.htm] ~ [Inktomi searchtips] ~ [Inktomi boolean] ~ [Inktomi meta] ~ [Inktomi special] ~ [Inktomi syntax] ~ [Inktomi refine] ~ [local.htm] ~ [regional.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [main.htm] ~ [targets.htm] ~

Mai 2001 (the month of the scrolls)
  1. [formmai1.htm]: The Anonymous postman and the old (and great) +HCU Formmail Essay (formmail.cgi galore)
    by Corto and the +HCU, part of the [Anonymity] section.
  2. [protec/mike_can.htm]: A short rant on copy protection
    by Mike Stay, "From the cracker's point of view, the copy protection is like a tumor that has to be excized. Too often, it's a self-contained benign cyst. What we need are malignant tumors that have tendrils extending to every part of the program.", part of the [how to protect better] section.
  3. ¤Ladies and Gentlemen... after a long, maybe too long, gestation... finally... some powerful scrolls scrimshawed on ancient electrons... [The scroll room!]: Ta-daa!
    by Laurent (with DQ and fravia+ support). "We believe that search wizards should have some searching 'scrolls' ready in their pouches, casting them for the most useful tasks"
  4. [bullseye.htm]: Hitting The BullsEye
    by CiNiX, "I took a little peek in the 'hidden' engine directory and found about 897 engine files, mucho interesting information for the people that work on the oslse project!", part of the [bots], and [essays] sections.
  5. [dolmen_1.htm]: A PHP reformater for the PALM
    by Dolmen, "So it was time for me to build a bot that, at the AvantGo proxy request, will download the original page, extract the info, and give it to AvantGo formatted with a basic layout...", part of the [bots], and [essays] sections.
  6. [dolmen_2.htm]: Java Bots introduction
    by Dolmen, "Here is a simple bot that downloads a page from the URL given on the command line and outputs it preceded by the HTTP headers (if it is an http:// URL).", part of the [bots], and [essays] sections.
  7. [realicra/toledano]: The Conscious Consumer A look into marketing propaganda, by Zev ^Baron^ Toledano part of the [reality cracking] section
  8. [Free Software Leaders Stand Together]: "You left them alone in a room with a penguin? Mr Gates, your men are already dead!" A must read. See also some resources.
  9. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [ultrae2.htm] ~ [Scrolls room] (scrolls room entrance) ~ [words.htm] (catching station) ~ [srtools.htm] ~ [lexi_lau.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [basic.htm] ~ [advanced.htm] ~ [classroo.htm] ~ [further.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~ [forlab_1.htm] (+Forseti's solution to the entire Lab) ~ [protec/stonetips.htm] (About copy protection schemes) ~ [protec/protec.htm] ~ [protec/lazarus1.htm] (What programmers can do to protect their work better) ~ [paris/paris3.htm] ~ [protec/htp_essa1.htm] ~ [nicecolo.htm] ~ [main.htm] ~ [search.htm] ~ [regional.htm] ~ [photos.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~ [seachal1.htm] ~ [fechal1.htm] ~ [fu_softi.htm] ~ [paris/paris4.htm] ~ [tadimens.htm] ~ [noanon.htm] ~ [nonimizz.htm] ~ [usenet.htm] (Evaluating usenet services) ~ [nomomen.htm] (Names as weapons) ~ [links.htm] ~ [targets.htm] ~

April 2001 (the month of the never ending engines)
  1. [cope_wot.htm]: Reversing to Enhance and Expand (754 engines into the pot)
    by WayOutThere, Advanced essay, part of the [bots], [malware] and [essays] sections.
  2. [http://fravia.2113.ch/phplab/600_se.php]: 600 engines for next to nothing "THE SCRIPT"
    by Laurent, part of the [PHP Lab]
  3. [lexi_wot.htm]: the lexibot essay (600 engines for next to nothing - part ONE - first steps)
    by WayOutThere, Advanced essay, part of the [bots], and of the [Essays] sections.
  4. [lexi_lau.htm]: the lexibot essay (600 engines for next to nothing - part TWO - delving deeper)
    by Laurent, Advanced essay, part of the [bots], and of the [Essays] sections.
  5. [perlbot.htm]: HOW TO FOOL SSL DOWNLOAD OBSTACLES (spelunking into https "secure" servers)
    by DigJim, Very Advanced essay, part of the [bots], and of the [Essays] sections.
  6. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [paris/paris.htm] ~ [paris/paris1.htm] ~ [tuttiope.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [colocode.htm] ~ [local.htm] ~ [io13.htm] ~ [evalessa.htm] ('tables' evaluation) ~ [anonyweb.htm] (Webbased proxy form) ~ [search.htm] (updating the MAPA) ~ [main.htm] ~ [advanced.htm] ~ [classroo.htm] ~ [papers.htm] ~ [seachal2htm] ~ [fechal2.htm] Loki's solution for MAGRAD ~ [mirrors.htm] ~ [specs.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [srtools.htm] ~ [hidddoor.htm] ~ [photos.htm] ~ [pro_essa.htm] ~ [confnets.htm] ~ [antiadve.htm] ~ [seamara2.htm] ~ [fu_sussi.htm] ~ [colocode.htm] ~ [nicecolo.htm] ~ [introd.htm] ~ [previnew.htm] ~

March 2001 (the month of the early wizard searches)
  1. [ima__sea.htm]: Searching an image without knowing its name (wizardry searches), by An Argy, part of the [essays]
  2. [paris/paris.htm]: The art of information searching on today's Internet (a conference in Paris at the Ecole Polytechnique) by fravia+, part of the [info.htm], and of the [introd.htm] accesses
  3. 22-28 April 2001: [a whole WEEK without TV]! Wanna help?
  4. [scan_reb.htm]: Simple REBOL scanner (improved version), by -Sp!ke, part of the [essays]
  5. [http://www.2113.ch/phplab/news.htm]: PHP lab news, mostly by Laurent, (fairly Advanced stuff, eh... not for beginners and newbies :-) Make sure you read about the [oslse project] there's a lot to learn there!
  6. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [obscure.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [fra_22.htm] ~ [italiote.htm] (italian search engines) ~ [trolls.htm] (trolling weapons) ~ [photos.htm] ~ [statoo.htm] ~ [noanon.htm] ~ [fechal1.htm] (Jeff's solution) ~ [stalking.htm] ~ [introd.htm] ~ [tips.htm] ~ [papers.htm] (circumventing censorship) ~ [targets.htm] ~ [fu_softi.htm] (simtel & underground s. e.) ~ [allinone.htm] ~ [allinon2.htm] ~ [allinon3.htm] (added) ~ [previnew.htm] ~ [regional.htm] (Hellas added) ~ [basimk.htm] ~ [faq.htm] ~ [noanon.htm] ~ [proxy.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~ [main.htm] (webtop) ~ [antiadve.htm] ~ [critics.htm] ~ [boobytra.htm] ~ [anonyweb.htm] (anonymous web surfing) ~ [compound.htm] (compound pointers) ~ [malware.htm] ~ [softreve.htm] ~ [srtools.htm] ~ [usenet.htm] ~ [tse_2001.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [fu_sussi.htm] ~ [local.htm] ~ [colocode.htm] ~

19-27 February: Carneval in Venice!
February 2001 (the month we began to 'feel' searchstrings)
  1. [hump_32.htm]: Worms, angles and search engines quirks (seekers "feel" the searchstrings), by Humphrey P., Advanced essay, part of the [Lab 1] and of the [Classrooms]
  2. [lab2.htm]: LAB 2! Citiziens' revenge A new searching lab with [some] ~ interesting challenges! We'll learn how to seek, find AND 'deliver around' those 'delicate' data that may contribute to change realities :-)
  3. [wf_add.htm]: Adding engines to WebFerret (The guts of a search engines parser), by Laurent, Advanced essay, part of the [bots], and of the [Essays] sections. A spin-off of the [The Open Source Local Search Engines Project], see below.
  4. [fau_zar.htm]: Search Engine pitfalls and how to strike back (Using our knowledge and the depth of the web to fight our commercial enemies), by Zarathustra, part of the [Anti Advertisement] section.
  5. [http://fravia.2113.ch/phplab/news.htm]: PHP lab news, mostly by Laurent, (fairly Advanced stuff, eh... not for beginners and newbies :-) Make sure you read about the [oslse project] there's a lot to learn there!
  6. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [main.htm] ~ [seachal1.htm] ~ [fechal1.htm] ~ [lab1.htm] ~ [classroo.htm] ~ [lab2.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [local.htm] ~ [pepldoin.htm] ~ [seachal2.htm] ~ [fechal2.htm] ~ [softreve.htm] ~ [others.htm] ~ [further.htm] ~ [fu_sussi.htm] ~ [critics.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [trolls.htm] ~

January 2001 (a reality cracking month)
  1. [realicra/subli_34]: Subliminals in Cigarette Advertising (A German investigation), by behemoth (with a small addition by +Forseti) part of the [reality cracking] section
  2. [raijack1]: Gathering News Headlines and Text Classification through Distributed Efforts and Regular Expression Web Templates (The Nature of Late-Breaking News Content and the Internet), by rai.jack, part of the [Essays] sections
  3. [athei_06]: The case for NOT using Microsoft's explorer (The Unbearable Lightness of persistence), by A+heist, part of the [Tutti all'opera!], and of the [Essays] sections
  4. [kso_kps0.htm]: ksoze perl shell v0.0 (a small/simple perl shell, good for testing & learning purposes, obviously fully commented and portable) by ksoze, part of the [tools.htm], section
  5. [realicra/strawber.htm]  Strawberry fields... forever, by fravia+ part of the [reality cracking] section.
  6. [teport_3.htm]: Teleport Pro V1.29 (Build 1107) (Delving deeper into Teleport Pro 1.29) by Faulpelz, part of the [malware.htm], section
  7. As usual, some new (or slightly updated) pages:
    [essays.htm] ~ [bg_weird.htm] ~ [ideale.htm] ~ [papers.htm] ~ [antiadve.htm] ~ [teport_2.htm] ~ [noos_tel.htm] ~ [links.htm] ~ [realicra/strawhoc.htm] ~ [basic.htm] ~ [advanced.htm] ~ [further.htm] ~ [classroo.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~ [welcome.htm] ~ [tadimens.htm] ~ [c_third.htm] ~ [nonimizz.htm] ~ [../zipped/odbg101.zip] ~ [kps.pl] ~ [local.htm] (webrings forms added) ~ [index.htm] ~ [fravia.htm] ~ [index.html] ~ [fu_speci.htm] ~ [info.htm] ~ [protec/protec.htm] ~ [malware.htm] ~ [tuttiope.htm] ~ [tools.htm] ~ [fechal1.htm] ~ [seachal1.htm] ~

More recent news: [news.htm]
The year 2000: [previnew.htm]

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Qui perd sa clef
quitte sa maison
De la base au sommet,
Oublie la brique
et fais le mur
Déclare la guerre
après l'avoir gagnée
Ni à la mer,
ni à la source

(c) III Millennium by [fravia+], all rights reserved and reversed