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(Courtesy of fravia's advanced searching lores)

(spelunking into https "secure" servers)

by DigJim
(edited by fravia+)
published at searchlores in April 2001

Quite an interesting essay. Three VERY USEFUL perl scripts. Lotta juicy stuff for those that want to 'customize' their contacts with unknown servers 
Most useful for searchers that 'stolper' into https annoyments... Note also how you could easily modify DigJim's code to fool authentication on MANY servers...

Dear Fravia+.
At the beginning I want to thank You for your great site. I have been
learning from your site since 1998. A few essays from your old mirrors have been 
very useful for me. 
My English language is not as good as I would like it to be, so you can freely 
modify my short essay. 
With best regards:

_____________The short essay __________________

(spelunking into https "secure" servers)

By DigJim

PLATFORM Windows 95/98/... TOOLS AND COMPONENTS YOU WILL NEED (AND ENJOY) MSVisual C++ 6.0 Masm 6.xx from http://www.hutch.ukshells.co.uk/masm.htm ActivePerl 5.6 from http://www.activestate.com/download/ActivePerl/Windows/5.6/ActivePerl- openssl-0.9.6 from http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-0.9.6.tar.gz net-ssleay-1.05 from http://www.bacus.pt/Net_SSLeay/Net_SSLeay.pm-1.05.tar.gz http://www.bacus.pt/Net_SSLeay/NT.html ESSAY This project of mine started in October 2000. At that time I had a very slow transfer speed from idrive (~100 bits/s) and idrive suddendly changed site configuration and went from http to secure https. My GetRight utility (a very full featured downloading tool) doesn't work with such kind of servers (because they are supposed to be secure) and I couldn't find any SSL download managers, so I decided to try to write a new one by myself.
If you do not know idrive have a look there: for each file on your or your friend's account you have to get in and wait for page, mark up to 4 files for download, get a new page with files for download and do download. When you done download, you can start new one. It is a terrible hassle.
Especially at night time (the download speed is a bit higher during night). Now things are better and the download speed is not too bad. From "unknown" servers my download speed is now about ~4..8kb/s, but from "xoom" or "..." is still very slow. In the middle of 2000 I started with Perl and I have found it as a good language to start investigate around (on the web) what I really need in order to write such download manager or utility.
I have started learning and using Perl after I found a very good e-book: "Web Client Programming with Perl" (http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/webclient/). Frankly, I'm still a beginner with Perl but at the beginning, in order to be more familiar with HTTP protocol I have built a very simple web bot: webot2.pl. And it worked! After this small success I have installed the openssl and net-ssleay perl packages and adopted the original 'https-proxy-sniff.pl'.
I called the new one: 'https-snif1.pl'. This one help me a lot to build my own utility for idrive: idown1.pl.
Now my task to build a working download manager was a bit easier.
Now to build SSL download manager I will have to only 'mix' idwon1.pl with webot2.pl, but this will be done laterby me or may be someone else will do this building on my work.
I can't say much more about perl files. Readers will have to learn a bit and try their own ways using this essay of mine (and my code) as a starting point. WEBOT2.PL
With this one you can learn and check what any http server needs in its header in order to give you access to requested file using GET method. Sometimes GetRight can't download because of a bad file name or a bad 'Referrer' field. In this case you can use my file and try different name combinations. In my code is used "Win32API::File" package because of my poor perl knowledge. I should have used binmode. Now I Know it.
This one is a SSL-SNIFFER!. I'm using Opera 4.02 browser to sniff data. IE doesn't work. This sniffer is using "test.txt" to store incoming and outgoing data. There is an implemented redirection catcher, but this was tested only with idrive. I don't now how this will work with others SSL servers. The Opera browser has to have 'pictures' switched off.
The last one allow you to list idrive guest account or standard one if a password is supplied. At this time there is no error checking for a closed account. This perl utility opens file: idrive- logg.txt file in append mode, so after each run you are able to check what has been sent.
The idrive server sometimes is sending data using gzip format, so this translation is done and uncompressed data is stored in file. I don't know how to uncompress data in memory (this doesn't work for me), so this is done using "gzip.bin" file. In order to get the file and folders from the account the search process is divided into two parts because the regex search -seems to me- doesn't work correctly for strings larger than 32kB. An uncompressed idrive page has over 100kB. So the first search just split that page into small chunks which are processed by regex'es.
ADDITIONAL INFO The full perl package (with open-ssl and net-ssleay) added is stored on the idrive account itself: perl-ssl-net, so anyone can easyly download this copy. Sorry... this is aprox. 20MB large file. After successful download unrar this to 'c:\perl' directory.
Before you use this add to your path
'C:\perl\bin' (PATH=c:\perl\bin;%PATH%).
To start working with the sniffer or my idown1 script you have to have 'cert.pem' and 'key.pem' files like the following: CERT.PEM= -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICyDCCAjGgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBqTELMAkGA1UEBhMCWFgx HjAcBgNVBAgUFU5ldDo6U1NMZWF5X3Rlc3RfbGFuZDESMBAGA1UEBxQJVGVzdF9D aXR5MSEwHwYDVQQKFBhOZXQ6OlNTTGVheV9Pcmdhbml6YXRpb24xEjAQBgNVBAsU CVRlc3RfVW5pdDESMBAGA1UEAxMJMTI3LjAuMC4xMRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxz YW1wb0Bpa2kuZmkwHhcNMDEwMTIzMTE1MjA2WhcNMDIwMTIzMTE1MjA2WjCBqTEL MAkGA1UEBhMCWFgxHjAcBgNVBAgUFU5ldDo6U1NMZWF5X3Rlc3RfbGFuZDESMBAG A1UEBxQJVGVzdF9DaXR5MSEwHwYDVQQKFBhOZXQ6OlNTTGVheV9Pcmdhbml6YXRp b24xEjAQBgNVBAsUCVRlc3RfVW5pdDESMBAGA1UEAxMJMTI3LjAuMC4xMRswGQYJ KoZIhvcNAQkBFgxzYW1wb0Bpa2kuZmkwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJ AoGBAKeJgDyaX8nTr6LDKQEn8pvs5yXPjSvNvItrvNziHXk2L/79s37SDj2K5EGg u6ZQXOoQFpjly/99x2Ej4K65afoIHNQpOPAiMaOfLJ1A9BkJrR1Y9pmUAeMQL+qd MPwYPNdhgLTYpdb7FkpPs7uSW6ncAHfLxkGCDaMkAgDSoPbfAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEEBQADgYEAIkXJWuNM3d372zggnzsx6+XRGEWi+jymuFkeBgBQ0KtD/+RY HGDajyLOL5m9SmqKuukvOtzhkRc99/xcjGSdUQmNMrtgYxdwD4ZCumkrXYc5/x0i fIdYlUMMsZ7ZH6QaCIHrg18h4HXD0gkKQcn7DKezQSAk7Sl1ncj3bbgvbKw= -----END CERTIFICATE----- KEY.PEM= -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXgIBAAKBgQCniYA8ml/J06+iwykBJ/Kb7Oclz40rzbyLa7zc4h15Ni/+/bN+ 0g49iuRBoLumUFzqEBaY5cv/fcdhI+CuuWn6CBzUKTjwIjGjnyydQPQZCa0dWPaZ lAHjEC/qnTD8GDzXYYC02KXW+xZKT7O7klup3AB3y8ZBgg2jJAIA0qD23wIDAQAB AoGAdGzKT9Mbs97GlD45NZN0NkVIUG9OdF1RpDWnlnwP7VbpvbLCVORWfxARFUZE gQwhtYqemXw/6nmW33uWPPWencG14Hv4/N5DmluvueNDyiQNzKb++7nufEQWWxFA eJ6YC2HnPaoPCp03zGU0ZHPMXjut0/Gbdyd3cRA/AI1b2IkCQQDTWqtjr7xHwAGZ XRM6GnnJAdaqiyhONlYy9sBBBfAl6mTWZSDl89DSbFG+JDW+09VLspDiRhdmz8FB oCG9rJYbAkEAyu1ZtCzqt1w1IT8i8TGmt+APPH/r60cpcmQ7sSTy01/XsdbF32OC yw3ZIUaHkshX05I6Zjfshy9sCO5h2SN+jQJBAMJOmkDUgHlKSW4QhqulSY+FlDBI LS7yf37tIUTmS6jf/AKrCHrAE5xQnzn6mjqtD2w/ZznPjJYlrBtEN6DkOT8CQQC6 BidLgjmQ6VhTJ/uyO5/nw+Bzx5jP0CZwlO4bkBGCL8QdZRNzm1eVKRa46Fzz8/B/ JPegKPgNXS2ealkMovspAkEAhjsQT6XWh9p1LWMsx0odi1qQNcl+KqV7yV7hL+b3 rjpdO0iU32jb9vSs7x3Q13LTWjWg++vgmkno3QYpVwmdQQ== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- =[0/5]====== PERL FILES ======================================= =[1/5]= CHUNK.pl ============================================= ############# # get_chunk # ############# # # Given ($socket_handle, $output_file_handle, $chunk_size) # return $received_chunk_size # # sub get_chunk_header { # get parameters my $line = @_; my $len=0; print "line=$line\n"; if ($line =~ m/^([0-9aAbBcCdDeEfF]+)\r\n/) { $len = hex($1); } $len; } sub get_chunk { # get parameters my ($F, $MYFILE, $size) = @_; # print "to read size=$size bytes\n"; my $len = 0; my $count = 0; my $buffer= 0; while( $len < $size ){ $count = $size-$len; # print "trying read $count bytes\n"; $count = read( $F, $buffer, $count ); if( $count >0 ){ $len = $len + $count; # print "total len = $len bytes\n"; # I don't now how to change ascii file behaviour to binary # so I have use 'WriteFile' instead of syswrite ! # $wrcnt = syswrite( $MYFILE, $buffer, $count ); WriteFile( $MYFILE, $buffer, $count, $wrcnt, [] ); if( $wrcnt != $count ){ $ll = length($buffer); print "Write error wrcnt=$wrcnt, towrite=$count, length=$ll!!!\n"; } }else{ # wrong count # print "get_chunk() :: count=$count\n"; $size = $len; } } # return value $len; } 1; =[2/5]= TCP.pl =============================================== ############ # open_TCP # ############ # # Given ($file_handle, $dest, $port) return 1 if successful, undef when # unsuccessful. # # Input: $fileHandle is the name of the filehandle to use # $dest is the name of the destination computer, # either IP address or hostname # $port is the port number # # Output: successful network connection in file handle # use Socket; sub open_TCP { # get parameters my ($FS, $dest, $port) = @_; my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); socket($FS, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto); my $sin = sockaddr_in($port,inet_aton($dest)); connect($FS,$sin) || return undef; my $old_fh = select($FS); $| = 1; # don't buffer output select($old_fh); 1; } 1; =[3/5]= WEBOT2.pl ============================================ #!/usr/bin/perl # DigJim use socket; use Win32API::File 0.08 qw( :ALL ); require "tcp.pl"; require "chunk.pl"; $received = 0; $orgofile ="KEYTOOLS_LITE_FULL_C_WIN32.zip.bin"; $ofile ="KEYTOOLS_LITE_FULL_C_WIN32.zip.bin"; $addr="www2.baltimore.com"; $ifile = "/scripts/dl/ktlitej.pl?KEYTOOLS_LITE_FULL_C_WIN32.zip"; $full_loaded = 0; $full_atempt = 0; $load_as_bin = 0; $req_bin_len = 0; $full_maxtry = 1; #change to 2..100 if v.slow connection with errors while( $full_loaded==0 ){ if (open_TCP(F, $addr, 80) == undef ) { print "Error connecting to server $server ...\n"; exit(-1); } $hfile= createFile( "$ofile", "w kc", "" ) or die "Can't get exclusive access to C: $^E\n"; # # send the GET method with the / as a parameter # print F "GET $ifile HTTP/1.0\n"; print "GET $ifile HTTP/1.0\n"; # print F "Connection: Keep-Alive\n"; # print "Connection: Keep-Alive\n"; print F "Host: $addr\n"; print "Host: $addr\n"; print F "Range: bytes=$received-\n"; print "Range: bytes=$received-\n"; print F "User-Agent: Web_Robot/1.2\n"; print "User-Agent: Web_Robot/1.2\n"; print F "Accept: *.*, */*\n"; print "Accept: *.*, */*\n"; #print F "Cookie: CookieStatus=COOKIE_OK\n"; #print "Cookie: CookieStatus=COOKIE_OK\n"; print F "Referer: http://www2.baltimore.com/scripts/requesteval.pl\n"; print "Referer: http://www2.baltimore.com/scripts/requesteval.pl\n"; print F "\n"; print "\n"; # get the header response $response = <F>; # get error code $response =~ m/(HTTP....)\s([0-9]+)\s(\S+)/; $httpver= $1; $status = $2; $answer = $3; $httpok = 1; if ($answer =~ /Not/i ) { $httpok = 0; } # the $chunk has following meaning # = 0 -- some errors # = 1 -- unknown file size, using [<chunk-size><CR><LF><chunk>],...,0<CR><LF>] method # > 1 -- known file size $chunk = 0; # get the header data print $response; while (<F> =~ m/^(\S+):\s+(.+)/ ) { print "$1: $2\n"; $tmp2 = $2; $tmp1 = $1; if ($tmp2 =~ /chunked/) { $chunk = 1; }else{ if ($tmp1 =~ /Content-length/i) { $tmp2 =~ m/^([0-9]+)/; $chunk = $1; } } } print "\n---------------------\n"; print "http version = $httpver\n"; print "http status = $status\n"; print "http file = $answer\n"; print "http file ok = $httpok\n"; print "chunk value = $chunk\n"; print "\n---------------------\n"; # get the entity body $bytes = 1; $total = 0; $line = 0; if ($chunk ==1) { print "load as HTTP file...\n"; if ($httpok == 1) { while( $bytes > 0 ){ # chunk count $bytes = <F>; # print "count chunk = $bytes\n"; $bytes = hex($bytes); # print "data chunk size = $bytes bytes\n"; if ($bytes>0) { $bytes = get_chunk( F, $hfile, $bytes ); $total = $total + $bytes; print "\rReceived $total bytes"; # sleep(1); } if( $bytes == 0 ){ print "\n"; } # CRLF $line = <F>; } }else{ # HTTP error :: file not found,... print "Program terminated:: HTTP error = $status\n"; close(F); close(MYFILE); exit($status); } }else{ # text file print "load as text/bin file...\n"; $load_as_bin = 1; $req_bin_len = $chunk; $load = 0; $break= 0; while( $break==0 ){ if( $load < $chunk ){ $bytes = $chunk - $load; if( $bytes > 4096 ){ $bytes = 4096; } $bytes = get_chunk( F, $hfile, $bytes ); $load = $load + $bytes; print "\rReceived $load bytes"; if( $bytes == 0 ){ $break = 1; print "\n"; } }else{ $break = 1; } } $total = $load; } print "Total $total bytes\n"; close(F); CloseHandle($hfile); if( $load_as_bin=0 ){ $full_loaded = 1; }else{ $full_atempt++; if( $full_atempt >= $full_maxtry ){ $full_loaded = 1; }else{ $ofile = $orgofile . $full_atempt; if( $load >= $req_bin_len ){ $full_load = 1; }else{ print "Trying $full_atempt time\n"; print "Waiting for 20 seconds to restart......\n"; sleep(20); } } } } print "Load terminated at $full_atempt attempt\n"; print "Bye...\n"; exit(0); =[4/5]= HTTPS-SNIFF1.pl ======================================= #!/usr/bin/perl # 05.06.1998, Sampo Kellomaki <sampo@iki.fi> # 15.02.2001, DigJim $usage = <<USAGE Usage: ./https-snif1.pl *listen_port* *dest_machine* *dest_port* E.g: ./https-snif1.pl 4443 www.idrive.com 443 This proxy allows you to observe the protocol talked by your browser to remote https server. Useful for debugging http headers etc sent in this dialogue as well as capturing the requests for later automating the task. The proxying is not perfect: the client will see different certificate than actually sent by server. You will be able to launch only one simultaneous connection (set you browser to attempt only one at a time) because it is iterative server, keep-alives are not handled at all, etc. Remember: you must have cert.pem and key.pem in the current working directory. Example: perl https-snif1.pl 4443 www.idrive.com 443 Then enter https://localhost:4443/ in Opera Location prompt. USAGE ; die $usage unless $#ARGV == 2; ($listen_port, $dest_host, $dest_port) = @ARGV; $trace = 0; use Socket; use Net::SSLeay qw(sslcat die_now die_if_ssl_error); $Net::SSLeay::trace = 3; # Super verbose debugging Net::SSLeay::load_error_strings(); Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); $our_ip = "\0\0\0\0"; # Bind to all interfaces $sockaddr_template = 'S n a4 x8'; $our_serv_params = pack ($sockaddr_template, &AF_INET, $listen_port, $our_ip); socket (S, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "socket: $!"; bind (S, $our_serv_params) or die "bind: $!"; listen (S, 5) or die "listen: $!"; $ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new () or die_now("CTX_new ($ctx): $!"); Net::SSLeay::set_server_cert_and_key($ctx, 'cert.pem', 'key.pem') or die "key"; while (1) { open( F, ">>test.txt" ); print "Accepting connections...\n"; print F "############# NEW SESSION #########################################################\n"; print F "Accepting connections...\n"; ($addr = accept (NS, S)) or die "accept: $!"; select (NS); $| = 1; select (STDOUT); # Piping hot! ($af,$client_port,$client_ip) = unpack($sockaddr_template,$addr); @inetaddr = unpack('C4',$client_ip); print "$af connection from " . join ('.', @inetaddr) . ":$client_port\n"; print F "$af connection from " . join ('.', @inetaddr) . ":$client_port\n"; #print "### We now have a network connection, lets fire up SSLeay...\n"; $ssl = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx) or die_now("SSL_new ($ssl): $!"); &Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, fileno(NS)); $err = Net::SSLeay::accept($ssl); die_if_ssl_error("ssl accept: ($!)"); print "Cipher `" . Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl) . "'\n"; print F "Cipher `" . Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl) . "'\n"; print "#-- Connected. Get the HTTP request and wrap it for transport to remote host.\n"; print F "#-- Connected. Get the HTTP request and wrap it for transport to remote host.\n"; $got = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl) or die "$$: ssl read failed"; print "********** From Local Browser **********\n'$got'\n(" . length ($got) . " chars)\n"; print F "********** From Local Browser **********\n'$got'\n(" . length ($got) . " chars)\n"; $got =~ s/Host:\s+\S+\r?\n/Host: $dest_host:$dest_port\r\n/i; print "********** From Local Browser **********\n'$got'\n(" . length ($got) . " chars)\n"; print F "********** From Local Browser **********\n'$got'\n(" . length ($got) . " chars)\n"; # split to header and document ($head,$reply) = my_split($got); # substitute: 'www.idrive.com' -> 'localhost:1234' to remove redirections # to this sniffer if any $head =~ s/localhost:$listen_port/www.idrive.com/gi; $head =~ s/localhost/www.idrive.com/gi; # make full answer from local browser $got = $head . $reply; print "********** Will send *******************\n"; print F "********** Will send *******************\n"; print "'$got'\n(" . length($got) . " chars) to $dest_host:$dest_port\n"; print F "'$got'\n(" . length($got) . " chars) to $dest_host:$dest_port\n"; ### Set up a client socket $dest_port = getservbyname ($dest_port, 'tcp') unless $dest_port =~ /^\d+$/; $dest_serv_ip = gethostbyname ($dest_host); $dest_serv_params = pack ($sockaddr_template, &AF_INET, $dest_port, $dest_serv_ip); socket (SS, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "client: socket: $!"; connect (SS, $dest_serv_params) or die "client: connect: $!"; select (SS); $| = 1; select (STDOUT); ### Do SSL handshake with remote server $ssl2 = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx) or die_now("client: SSL_new ($ssl2)"); &Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl2, fileno(SS)); &Net::SSLeay::set_cipher_list($ssl2, "DES-CBC3-MD5:RC4-MD5"); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); $err = Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl2); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); $ssl2_cipher = Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl2); print "client: Cipher '" . $ssl2_cipher . "'\n"; print F "client: Cipher '" . $ssl2_cipher . "'\n"; &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); ###### Exchange data with remote server print "Exchange data with remote server........\n"; print F "Exchange data with remote server........\n"; $err = Net::SSLeay::write($ssl2, $got) or die "client: write: $!"; &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); shutdown SS, 1; # read answer from remote site ($head,$reply) = my_read1($ssl2); print "_________________reply__________________\n"; # print F "_________________reply__________________( before change )\n"; # print F "$reply\n"; #catch redirections $patt1 = '.*ADDRESS'; $patt2 = 'www.idrive.com Port 443'; $repl = "localhost Port $listen_port"; $reply = my_redir_catch($head,$reply,$patt1,$patt2,$repl); #catch link addresses $patt1 = 'www.idrive.com'; $patt2 = 'www.idrive.com'; $repl = "localhost:$listen_port"; $reply = my_redir_catch($head,$reply,$patt1,$patt2,$repl); # make full answer from remote site $got = $head . $reply; # reply to our client &Net::SSLeay::write ($ssl, $got) or die "write: $!"; &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); &Net::SSLeay::free ($ssl2); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); close SS; &Net::SSLeay::free ($ssl); # Tear down connection close NS; close F; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_read1(){ my($ssl2) = @_; #input path (socket) my($page)= ''; my($head)= ''; # at the beginning we have to read header only to determine the page type: # content-length # chunked $head = my_get_head($ssl2); if( $head =~ m/Content-Length:\s*(\w+)\s*\r?\n/i ){ $len = $1; print "Content-Length type, len='$len'\n"; print F "Content-Length type, len='$len'\n"; $page = my_read_len($ssl2,$len); } if( $head =~ /.*chunked/i ){ print "Chunked type\n"; print F "Chunked type\n"; do{ $got = my_get_chunk_size($ssl2); $page .= $got; $len = 0; if( $got =~ /(.*)\r?\n$/ ){ $len = $1; $len = hex($len); $got = ''; $got = my_read_len($ssl2,$len+2); #+2 <==> "\r\n" $page .= $got; } }while($len>0); } print "my_read1:: EOF\n"; print F "my_read1:: EOF\n"; return ($head,$page); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Redirection changer sub my_redir_catch() { my($head,$page,$patt1,$patt2,$repl) = @_; my($cnt)=0; my($len)=''; my($cnb)=0; if ($head =~ m!Content-Type: text/html!i ) { if ($head !~ m/Content-Encoding:.*gzip/i ) { if( $head =~ m/Content-Length:\s*(\w+)\s*\r?\n/i ){ $cnb = $1; if( $page =~ /$patt1/ ){ $page =~ s/$patt2/$repl/gi; $cnt = length($page); $len = sprintf("%d", $cnt ); $head =~ s/Content-Length: (.*)\r?\n/Content-Length: $len\r\n/i; print "my_redir_catch:: \$cnb=$cnb, \$len=$len\n"; print F "my_redir_catch:: \$cnb=$cnb, \$len=$len\n"; } } if( $head =~ /.*chunked/i ){ my($case) = 0; my(@arr) =(); ($case,@arr) = split_chunks($page); warn "http page error in 'my_redir_catch', \$case = $case\n" if($case>0); if( $case==0 ){ $cnt = @arr; while( $cnb < $cnt ){ $len = $arr[$cnb]; $len = hex($len); if( $len > 0 ){ if( $arr[$cnb+1] =~ /$patt1/ ){ $arr[$cnb+1] =~ s/$patt2/$repl/gi; } $len = length($arr[$cnb+1]); $len = sprintf("%X\r\n", $len-2 ); #-2 = "\r\n" $arr[$cnb] = $len; } $cnb += 2; }; $page = merge_chunks(@arr); } } } } return ($head,$page); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_get_head() { my($ssl2) = @_; my($head) = ''; #return http header my($char) = ''; $head = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,3); # print "my_get_head:: got 2 start bytes\n"; do{ $char = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,1); $head .= $char; # }while($head !~ /\s?\n\s?\n$/); }while($head !~ /\r?\n\r?\n$/); print "********** Received Header *************\n'$head'\n(" . length ($head) . " chars)\n"; print F "********** Received Header *************\n'$head'\n(" . length ($head) . " chars)\n"; return $head; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_get_chunk_size() { my($ssl2) = @_; #input path (socket) my($chunk)= ''; #return chunk count my($char) = ''; $chunk = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,1); print "my_get_chunk_size:: got 1 start byte\n"; print F "my_get_chunk_size:: got 1 start byte\n"; do{ $char = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,1); $chunk .= $char; }while($chunk !~ /\r?\n$/ ); print "********** Chunk size ****************** = $chunk"; print F "********** Chunk size ****************** = $chunk"; return $chunk; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_read_len() { my($ssl2,$len) = @_; my($page)= ''; my($got) = ''; my($cnt) = 0; print "BlockLength: $len bytes\n"; print F "BlockLength: $len bytes\n"; if( $len>0 ){ do { print "BlockLength: $len bytes to read \r"; $cnt = $len; if( $cnt > 4096 ){ $cnt = 4096; } $got = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,$cnt); $len -= length($got); $page .= $got; } while ( $len > 0); print "\n"; } print "my_read_len:: EOF\n"; print F "my_read_len:: EOF\n"; return $page; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_split() { my($http) = @_; ($headers, $page) = split /\s?\n\s?\n/, $http, 2; return ($headers . "\r\n\r\n", $page); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # split page into chunks # input parameters: # ($page) = received https page created from chunks # output: # ($case,@arr) # $case = 0 we have full https page (no more data comes from socket) # 1 if @arr has odd number of elements ant the last element # is not equal 0 we have to read more # bytes from socket until "\r\n" to get full chunk count. # 2 if @arr has even number of elements and the length of last # element is less then # last chunk count we have to read until we will have full # chunk data # 3 do read next chunk # @arr = ([chunk_count,chunk_value],...) sub split_chunks() { my($got) = @_; # http page my(@arr) = (); # return array my($case)= 0; # return type my($num) = 0; # curent chunk count my($tmp) = ''; # temporary substring if( length($got)>0 ){ do{ if( $got =~ m/.*\r\n/ ){ ($num,$got)=split("\r\n",$got,2); push(@arr,($num)); $num=hex($num); if( $num>0 ){ if( length($got)-2 >= $num ){ $tmp=substr($got,0,$num+2); push(@arr,($tmp)); $got=substr($got,$num+2); if( length($got)==0 ){ $case = 3; $num = 0; } }else{ push(@arr,($got)); $case = 2; $num = 0; # to end loop } } }else{ push(@arr,($got)); $case = 1; $num = 0; } }while( length($got)>0 && $num > 0 ); }else{ $case = 3; } return ($case,@arr); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # merge input array to create chunked page sub merge_chunks() { my(@arr) = @_; my($got) = ''; # return page my($count)=0; $count = @arr; do{ $num = shift(@arr); $got .= $num . "\r\n"; $num = hex($num); $count--; if( $num>0 ){ $got .= shift(@arr); $count--; } }while( $count>0 ); return $got; } __END__ =[5/5]= IDOWN1.pl ============================================= #!/usr/bin/perl # 13.03.2001, DigJim $argc = @ARGV; $usage = <<USAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: perl idown1.pl *option* *user* *pass* This simple idrive account manager allows you to check the file tree from your or your friend's account located at https://www.idrive.com E.g: perl idown1.pl -0 q1234 perl idown1.pl -0 q1234 [pass01] perl idown1.pl -1 q1234 [pass01] options: -0 = full login (get new cookie value) -1 = logg using last saved cookie value Remember: you must have cert.pem and key.pem in the current working directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USAGE ; die $usage unless $argc >=1; ($option,$user,$pass) = @ARGV; $trace = 0; print "================================================================================\n\n"; print "user = $user, password=$pass\n\n"; $site = "www.idrive.com"; $port = 443; $path0= "/"; $path1= "/mydrive/login.jsp"; $path2= "/$user/?guest=false"; $path3= "/$user/files/"; $cont1= "userid=$user&guest=false&fromLoginPage=true&password=$pass&Click+here+after+ typing+your+name+and+password.x=22&Click+here+after+typing+your+name+and+password.y=10"; $contU= "userid=$user&guest=true&fromLoginPage=true"; $cookie=''; use Compress::Zlib; use Socket; use Net::SSLeay; qw( die_now die_if_ssl_error, make_headers); $Net::SSLeay::trace = 3; # Super verbose debugging Net::SSLeay::load_error_strings(); Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); $ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new () or die_now("CTX_new ($ctx): $!"); Net::SSLeay::set_server_cert_and_key($ctx, 'cert.pem', 'key.pem') or die "key"; open (F, "+>idrive-logg.txt"); binmode (F); goto entry1 if( $option =~ m/-1/ ); ($head,%header) = my_do_header( $site, $port, "GET", $path0, Net::SSLeay::make_headers( "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/4.99 (Windows 98; U)", "Accept-Language" => "en", "Accept-Encoding" => "deflate, gzip", "Referer" => "$site", "Connection" => "Keep-Alive, TE", "TE" => "deflate, gzip, chunked" ) ); $msg = $head; syswrite( F, $msg, length($msg), 0 ); goto doclose if( $msg !~ m/Set-Cookie:\s*(.*);\s*path/i ); $cookie .= $1; ($head,$page,$response,%header) = my_do_https( $site, $port, "POST", $path1, Net::SSLeay::make_headers( "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/4.99 (Windows 98; U)", "Accept-Language" => "en", "Accept-Encoding" => "deflate, gzip", "Referer" => "$site", "Cookie" => "$cookie", "Cookie2" => "\$Version=\"1\"", "Connection" => "Keep-Alive, TE", "TE" => "deflate, gzip, chunked" ), $pass?$cont1:$contU ); $msg = $response . "\r\n" . $head . "\r\n\r\n" . $page; syswrite( F, $msg, length($msg), 0 ); print "Checking for cookie 'JServSessionId=...'\n"; goto doclose if( $head !~ m/Set-Cookie:\s*(J.*);/i ); $cookie .= "; " . $1; print "Checking for 'Found' keyword...\n"; goto doclose if( $page !~ m!<TITLE>302 Found</TITLE>!i ); printf "creating user data...\n"; open FC, ">idrivedata.txt"; print FC "$cookie\n"; close FC; entry1: open FC, "<idrivedata.txt"; $cookie = <FC>; if( $cookie =~ m/(.*)\r?\n/ ){ $cookie = $1; } close FC; printf "logging using cookie...:\n'$cookie'\n"; ($head,$page,$response,%header) = my_do_https( $site, $port, $pass? "POST" : "GET", $pass? $path2 : $path3, # . "shared/", Net::SSLeay::make_headers( "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/4.99 (Windows 98; U)", "Accept-Language" => "en", "Accept-Encoding" => "deflate, gzip", "Referer" => "$site$path1", "Cookie" => "$cookie", "Cookie2" => "\$Version=\"1\"", "Connection" => "Keep-Alive, TE", "TE" => "deflate, gzip, chunked" ) ); $msg = $response . "\r\n" . $head . "\r\n\r\n" . $page; syswrite( F, $msg, length($msg), 0 ); goto user_folders if $pass; print "\n\n================= GUEST LOGGED ON in $user ACCOUNT ==========\n\n\n"; @ifiles = extract_ifiles( $page ); if( @ifiles ){ @afile = @ifiles; do{ $tmp = pop @afile; ($folder,$public,$filename,$filehref, $fileinfo) = split( /,/ , $tmp ); $tmp = $filename; $tmp =~ s/\+/ /g; # change '+' to ' ' print "$level$folder $public $tmp\n"; # uncomment this for more info # print "$level =$filehref\n"; # go down into folder if any if( ($public.$folder) =~ m/^YD/ ){ show_folder( $filename, ' ' ); } }while( @afile ); } goto doclose; user_folders: print "\n\n================= USER: $user LOGGED ON =====================\n\n\n"; @shortcuts = extract_folders( $page ); $tmp = @shortcuts; print "Found $tmp folders\n"; goto doclose if( $tmp==0 ); @arry = @shortcuts; do{ $tmp = pop @arry; ($nodecode,$nodedeep,$nodename) = split( /,/ , $tmp ); print "$nodecode $nodedeep $nodename " . @arry . "\n"; ($head,$page,$response,%header) = my_do_https( $site, $port, "POST", $path3, Net::SSLeay::make_headers( "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/4.99 (Windows 98; U)", "Accept-Language" => "en", "Accept-Encoding" => "deflate, gzip", "Referer" => "$site$path1", "Cookie" => "$cookie", "Cookie2" => "\$Version=\"1\"", "Connection" => "Keep-Alive, TE", "TE" => "deflate, gzip, chunked" ), "parent-node=$nodecode" ); $msg = $response . "\r\n" . $head . "\r\n\r\n" . $page; syswrite( F, $msg, length($msg), 0 ); print "files in '$nodename':\n"; @ifiles = extract_ifiles( $page ); if( @ifiles ){ @afile = @ifiles; do{ $tmp = pop @afile; ($folder,$public,$filename,$filehref, $fileinfo) = split( /,/ , $tmp ); # $filehref =~ s/\+/ /g; # $fileinfo =~ s/\+/ /g; print "$folder $public $filename\n"; }while( @afile ); } }while( @arry ); doclose: print "================= END OF SESSION ============================\n"; close F; die; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub show_folder() { my ($fileinfo,$level) = @_; my $tmp = 0; my @ifiles=(); my @afile=(); # using globals: # $head, $page, $response, %header, # $site, $port, $cookie # $msg, F # $folder, $public, $filename, $filehref, $fileinfo ($head,$page,$response,%header) = my_do_https( $site, $port, "GET", $fileinfo, Net::SSLeay::make_headers( "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/4.99 (Windows 98; U)", "Accept-Language" => "en", "Accept-Encoding" => "deflate, gzip", "Referer" => "$site$path1", "Cookie" => "$cookie", "Cookie2" => "\$Version=\"1\"", "Connection" => "Keep-Alive, TE", "TE" => "deflate, gzip, chunked" ) ); $msg = $response . "\r\n" . $head . "\r\n\r\n" . $page; syswrite( F, $msg, length($msg), 0 ); @ifiles = extract_ifiles( $page ); if( @ifiles ){ @afile = @ifiles; do{ $tmp = pop @afile; ($folder,$public,$filename,$filehref, $fileinfo) = split( /,/ , $tmp ); $tmp = $filename; $tmp =~ s/\+/ /g; # change '+' to ' ' print "$level$folder $public $tmp\n"; # uncomment this for more info # print "$level =$filehref\n"; # go down into folder if any if( ($public.$folder) =~ m/^YD/ ){ show_folder( $filename, $level . ' ' ); } }while( @afile ); } $tmp = @ifiles; # return count } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub extract_ifiles() { my($page) = @_; my($pbeg) = "<TD valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\"><font color=\"#003366"; my($pend) = "</font></A></font></TD>"; # to get shared value my $pbeg0 = "<TD valign=\"middle\" bgcolor=\"white\"><font color=\"#003366\""; my $pend0 = "</font></TD><TD align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"white\">"; my(@arry) = (); my $index1 = 0; my $index2 = 0; my $temp = ''; $index1 = index( $page, $pbeg0, 0 ); $index2 = index( $page, $pend0, $index1 ); if( $index2-$index1 >80 ){ $temp = substr( $page, $index1+length($pbeg0), $index2 - $index1 - length($pbeg0)); $page = substr( $page, $index2+length($pend0)); $temp = process_ifile( $temp ); if( length($temp)>2 ){ push( @arry, $temp ); } } while(1){ $index1 = index( $page, $pbeg, 0 ); $index2 = index( $page, $pend, $index1 ); print "index1=$index1 ... index2=$index2\n" if $trace>2; if( $index2-$index1 <10 ){ last; } $temp = substr( $page, $index1+length($pbeg), $index2 - $index1 - length($pbeg)); $page = substr( $page, $index2+length($pend)); $temp = process_ifile( $temp ); if( length($temp)>2 ){ push( @arry, $temp ); } } return @arry; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub process_ifile() { my($opt) = @_; my $file = ''; my $href = ''; my $info = ''; my $dir = ''; my $line = ''; my $pub = ''; my $pend = "</A></font></TD>"; print $opt . "\n" if $trace>3; $opt =~ s/amp;//gi; # Is public ? $pub = '?'; if( $opt =~ m/.*serif\"><b><strong>(\w+)<\/strong>.*/ ){ $pub = $1; } if( $opt !~ m/TARGET=/ ){ my $index1 = index( $opt, $pend, 0 ); $line = substr( $opt, 0, $index1 ); $opt = $line; } if( $opt =~ m/href=\"(.*)\" onClick=\".*false;\">(.*)/ ){ $href = $1; $file = $2; if( $href =~ m/^(.*)&JServSessionId=.*/ ){ $info = $1; } $dir = 'F'; }else{ if( $opt =~ m/href=\"(.*)\" TARGET=\".*href=\"(.*)\"><font color=\".*/ ){ $file = $1; $info = $2; $href = $info; # we can't download folder; only move into $dir = 'D'; } } $line = $dir . "," . $pub . "," . $file . "," . $href . "," . $info; print "\$line = '$line'\n" if $trace>2; return $line; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub extract_folders() { my($page) = @_; my $form = "<form name=goToFolder"; my $fbeg = "<td"; my $fend = "</td></form>"; my @arry = (); my $temp = ''; my $pbeg = '<OPTION value='; my $pend = '</OPTION>'; my $index1 = index( $page, $form, 0 ); my $index2 = index( $page, $fend, $index1 ); $page = substr( $page, $index1, $index2-$index1 ); # print "'" . substr( $page, 0, 60 ) . "'\n"; # print "'" . substr( $page, -60, 60 ) . "'\n"; # extract goToFolder # print "search in " . length($page) . "bytes\n"; while(1){ $index1 = index( $page, $pbeg, 0 ); $index2 = index( $page, $pend, $index1 ); print "index1=$index1, index2=$index2\n" if $trace>3; if( $index2-$index1 <10 ){ last; } $temp = substr( $page, $index1+length($pbeg), $index2 - $index1 - length($pbeg)); $page = substr( $page, $index2+length($pend)); $temp = process_shortcut( $temp ); if( length($temp)== 0){ last; }else{ push( @arry, $temp ); } } return @arry; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub process_shortcut() { # "8090924148500463620">&nbsp;&nbsp;•Dropbox my($opt) = @_; my $line = ''; $opt =~ s/&nbsp;/ /gi; $opt =~ s/&#149/ /gi; print "$opt\n" if $trace>2; if( $opt =~ m/\"(.*)\">(\s*);(.*)/ ){ $line = $1 . "," . length($2) . "," . $3; print "$line\n"; } return $line; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_do_https { my ($site, $port, $method, $path, $headers, $content, $mime_type) = @_; my ($response, $page, $errs, $http, $h,$v); my $req = my_msg( $site, $port, $method, $path, $headers, $content, $mime_type ); ($http, $errs) = my_https_cat($site, $port, $req); return (undef, "HTTP/1.0 900 NET OR SSL ERROR\r\n\r\n$errs") if $errs; ($headers, $page) = split /\s?\n\s?\n/, $http, 2; ($response, $headers) = split /\s?\n/, $headers, 2; return ($headers, $page, $response, map( { ($h,$v)=/^(\S+)\:\s*(.*)$/; (uc($h),$v); } split(/\s?\n/, $headers) ) ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_do_header { my ($site, $port, $method, $path, $headers, $content, $mime_type) = @_; my ($response, $page, $errs, $http, $h,$v); my $req = my_msg( $site, $port, $method, $path, $headers, $content, $mime_type ); ($http, $errs) = my_https_header($site, $port, $req); return (undef, "HTTP/1.0 900 NET OR SSL ERROR\r\n\r\n$errs") if $errs; return ($http, map( { ($h,$v)=/^(\S+)\:\s*(.*)$/; (uc($h),$v); } split(/\s?\n/, $http) ) ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_msg() { my ($site, $port, $method, $path, $headers, $content, $mime_type) = @_; if ($content) { $mime_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" unless $mime_type; my $len = length($content); $content = "Content-Type: $mime_type\r\n" . "Content-Length: $len\r\n\r\n$content"; } else { $content = "\r\n\r\n"; } my $req = "$method $path HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $site\r\n" . $headers . "Accept: */*\r\n$content"; print "---------------- MESSAGE -------------------\n" if $trace>1; print "'$req'\n" if $trace>1; return $req; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_https_header { # address, port, message --> returns reply my ($dest_serv, $port, $out_message) = @_; my ($ssl, $got, $head, $page, $errs, $written, $sock_template,$ssl_cipher); $sockaddr_template = 'S n a4 x8'; $dest_port = getservbyname ($port, 'tcp') unless $dest_port =~ /^\d+$/; $dest_serv_ip = gethostbyname ($dest_serv); my $sin = sockaddr_in($port, $dest_serv_ip); socket (SS, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp') ) or die "client: socket: $!"; connect (SS, $sin) or die "client: connect: $!"; select (SS); $| = 1; select (STDOUT); # Do SSL handshake with remote server # $ssl = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx) or Net::SSLeay::die_now("client: SSL_new ($ssl)"); &Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, fileno(SS)); &Net::SSLeay::set_cipher_list($ssl, "DES-CBC3-MD5:RC4-MD5"); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); $err = Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); $ssl_cipher = Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl); print "client: Cipher '" . $ssl_cipher . "'\n" if $trace>0; &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); # Exchange data with remote server # print "\n------------- SEND -----------------\n" if $trace>0; print "$out_message\n" if $trace>0; $err = Net::SSLeay::write($ssl, $out_message) or die "client: write: $!"; &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); shutdown SS, 1; ### Connected. Exchange some data (doing repeated tries if necessary). warn "waiting for reply...\n" if $trace>2; $head = my_get_head($ssl); $got = $head; warn "Got " . length($got) . " bytes.\n" if $trace==3; warn "Got `$got' (" . length($got) . " bytes)\n" if $trace>3; &Net::SSLeay::free ($ssl); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); close SS; return wantarray ? ($got, $errs) : $got; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_https_cat { # address, port, message --> returns reply my ($dest_serv, $port, $out_message) = @_; my ($ssl, $got, $head, $page, $errs, $written, $sock_template,$ssl_cipher); $sockaddr_template = 'S n a4 x8'; $dest_port = getservbyname ($port, 'tcp') unless $dest_port =~ /^\d+$/; $dest_serv_ip = gethostbyname ($dest_serv); my $sin = sockaddr_in($port, $dest_serv_ip); socket (SS, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp') ) or die "client: socket: $!"; connect (SS, $sin) or die "client: connect: $!"; select (SS); $| = 1; select (STDOUT); # Do SSL handshake with remote server # $ssl = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx) or Net::SSLeay::die_now("client: SSL_new ($ssl)"); &Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, fileno(SS)); &Net::SSLeay::set_cipher_list($ssl, "DES-CBC3-MD5:RC4-MD5"); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); $err = Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); $ssl_cipher = Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl); print "client: Cipher '" . $ssl_cipher . "'\n" if $trace>0; &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); # Exchange data with remote server # print "\n------------- SEND -----------------\n" if $trace>0; print "$out_message\n" if $trace>0; $err = Net::SSLeay::write($ssl, $out_message) or die "client: write: $!"; &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); shutdown SS, 1; ### Connected. Exchange some data (doing repeated tries if necessary). warn "waiting for reply...\n" if $trace>2; ($head, $page) = my_read1($ssl); $got = $head . $page; warn "Got " . length($got) . " bytes.\n" if $trace==3; warn "Got `$got' (" . length($got) . " bytes)\n" if $trace>3; &Net::SSLeay::free ($ssl); &Net::SSLeay::print_errs(); close SS; return wantarray ? ($got, $errs) : $got; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_read1(){ my($ssl2) = @_; #input path (socket) my($page)= ''; my($head)= ''; # at the beginning we have to read header only to determine the page type: # content-length # chunked $head = my_get_head($ssl2); if( $head =~ m/Content-Length:\s*(\w+)\s*\r?\n/i ){ $len = $1; $page = my_read_len($ssl2,$len); } if( $head =~ /.*chunked/i ){ do{ $got = my_get_chunk_size($ssl2); $len = 0; if( $got =~ /(.*)\r?\n$/ ){ $len = $1; $len = hex($len); $got = my_read_len($ssl2,$len); print "."; $page .= $got; if( $len>0 ){ $got = my_read_len($ssl2,2); #+2 <==> "\r\n" } } }while($len>0); if( $head =~ /content-encoding:\s*gzip/i ){ # Write to gzip.bin file... open FGZIP, ">gzip.bin"; binmode FGZIP; syswrite( FGZIP, $page, length( $page )); close FGZIP; # Unziping gzip.bin file... my $gz = gzopen("gzip.bin", "rb"); $page = ''; $page .= $got while $gz->gzread($got) > 0 ; $gz->gzclose() ; $head =~ s/content-encoding:\s*gzip\s*\r?\n/Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n/i; } # Converting to one chunk... $len = sprintf("%x\r\n", length( $page )); $page = $len . $page . "\r\n0\r\n\r\n"; print "\n"; } return ($head,$page); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_get_head() { my($ssl2) = @_; my($head) = ''; #return http header my($char) = ''; $head = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,3); do{ $char = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,1); $head .= $char; }while($head !~ /\r?\n\r?\n$/); # print "********** Received Header *************\n'$head'\n(" . length ($head) . " chars)\n" if $trace>0; # print F "********** Received Header *************\n'$head'\n(" . length ($head) . " chars)\n"; return $head; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_get_chunk_size() { my($ssl2) = @_; #input path (socket) my($chunk)= ''; #return chunk count my($char) = ''; $chunk = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,1); do{ $char = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,1); $chunk .= $char; }while($chunk !~ /\r?\n$/ ); return $chunk; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub my_read_len() { my($ssl2,$len) = @_; my($page)= ''; my($got) = ''; my($cnt) = 0; if( $len>0 ){ do { $cnt = $len; if( $cnt > 4096 ){ $cnt = 4096; } $got = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl2,$cnt); $len -= length($got); $page .= $got; } while ( $len > 0); } return $page; } __END__

Thank you for reading this essay, hope it was worth it.

(c) DigJim 2001

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