good ole truth coming out...

2003 crue

(fravia's special essays)
stepping out of the pit
(of course naked and screaming)
ready to whip all humans for their folly

Jean-Léon Gérôme: "La vérité sortant du puits armée de son martinet pour chàtier l'humanité"
Well, some nasty warmongerish things deserve to be reversed, imho, even if I know that this kind of work means (mostly) just an attempt to open some cans of slippery worms...

reality reverse engineering     EXEGESIS and PROPAGANDA REVERSING
NATO aggression adjectives by fravia+ (Spring 1999)

reality reverse engineering     EXEGESIS and PROPAGANDA REVERSING
War propaganda: fundamentals by fravia+ (Spring 2003)

    (c) Fravia, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.    
All rights reserved, reversed and revealed in the European Union and elsewhere