# HotBot.pm # by Wm. L. Scheding and Martin Thurn # Copyright (C) 1996-1998 by USC/ISI # $Id: HotBot.pm,v 1.58 2000/06/26 16:09:25 mthurn Exp $ =head1 NAME WWW::Search::HotBot - backend for searching hotbot.lycos.com =head1 SYNOPSIS use WWW::Search; my $oSearch = new WWW::Search('HotBot'); my $sQuery = WWW::Search::escape_query("+sushi restaurant +Columbus Ohio"); $oSearch->native_query($sQuery); while (my $oResult = $oSearch->next_result()) { print $oResult->url, "\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is a HotBot specialization of WWW::Search. It handles making and interpreting HotBot searches F. This class exports no public interface; all interaction should be done through L objects. By default, WWW::Search::HotBot uses hotbot.com's text-only interface, which can be found at http://hotbot.lycos.com/text . If you want to perform a query with the same default options as if a user typed it in the browser window (i.e. at http://www.hotbot.com), call $oSearch->gui_query($sQuery) instead of ->native_query(). The default behavior is for HotBot to look for "any of" the query terms: $oSearch->native_query(escape_query('Dorothy Oz')); If you want "all of", call native_query like this: $oSearch->native_query(escape_query('Dorothy Oz'), {'SM' => 'MC'}); If you want to send HotBot a boolean phrase, call native_query like this: $oSearch->native_query(escape_query('Oz AND Dorothy NOT Australia'), {'SM' => 'B'}); See below for other query-handling options. =head1 OPTIONS The following search options can be activated by sending a hash as the second argument to native_query(). =head2 Format / Treatment of Query Terms The default is logical OR of all the query terms. =over 2 =item {'SM' => 'MC'} "Must Contain": logical AND of all the query terms. =item {'SM' => 'SC'} "Should Contain": logical OR of all the query terms. This is the default. =item {'SM' => 'B'} "Boolean": the entire query is treated as a boolean expression with AND, OR, NOT, and parentheses. =item {'SM' => 'name'} The entire query is treated as a person's name. =item {'SM' => 'phrase'} The entire query is treated as a phrase. =item {'SM' => 'title'} The query is applied to the page title. (I assume the logical OR of the query terms will be applied to the page title.) =item {'SM' => 'url'} The query is assumed to be a URL, and the results will be pages that link to the query URL. =back =head2 Restricting Search to a Date Range The default is no date restrictions. =over 2 =item {'date' => 'within', 'DV' => 90} Only return pages updated within 90 days of today. (Substitute any integer in place of 90.) =item {'date' => 'range', 'DR' => 'newer', 'DY' => 97, 'DM' => 12, 'DD' => 25} Only return pages updated after Christmas 1997. (Substitute any year, month, and day for 97, 12, 25.) =item {'date' => 'range', 'DR' => 'older', 'DY' => 97, 'DM' => 12, 'DD' => 25} Only return pages updated before Christmas 1997. (Substitute any year, month, and day for 97, 12, 25.) =back =head2 Restricting Search to a Geographic Area The default is no restriction to geographic area. =over 2 =item {'RD' => 'AN'} Return pages from anywhere. This is the default. =item {'RD' => 'DM', 'Domain' => 'microsoft.com, .cz'} Restrict search to pages located in the listed domains. (Substitute any list of domain substrings.) =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => '.com'} Restrict search to North American commercial web sites. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => '.edu'} Restrict search to North American educational web sites. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => '.gov'} Restrict search to United Stated Government web sites. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => '.mil'} Restrict search to United States military commercial web sites. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => '.net'} Restrict search to North American '.net' web sites. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => '.org'} Restrict search to North American organizational web sites. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => 'NA'} "North America": Restrict search to all of the above types of web sites. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => 'AF'} Restrict search to web sites in Africa. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => 'AS'} Restrict search to web sites in India and Asia. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => 'CA'} Restrict search to web sites in Central America. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => 'DU'} Restrict search to web sites in Oceania. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => 'EU'} Restrict search to web sites in Europe. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => 'ME'} Restrict search to web sites in the Middle East. =item {'RD' => 'RG', 'RG' => 'SE'} Restrict search to web sites in Southeast Asia. =back =head2 Requesting Certain Multimedia Data Types The default is not specifically requesting any multimedia types (presumably, this will NOT restrict the search to NON-multimedia pages). =over 2 =item {'FAC' => 1} Return pages which contain Adobe Acrobat PDF data. =item {'FAX' => 1} Return pages which contain ActiveX. =item {'FJA' => 1} Return pages which contain Java. =item {'FJS' => 1} Return pages which contain JavaScript. =item {'FRA' => 1} Return pages which contain audio. =item {'FSU' => 1, 'FS' => '.txt, .doc'} Return pages which have one of the listed extensions. (Substitute any list of DOS-like file extensions.) =item {'FSW' => 1} Return pages which contain ShockWave. =item {'FVI' => 1} Return pages which contain images. =item {'FVR' => 1} Return pages which contain VRML. =item {'FVS' => 1} Return pages which contain VB Script. =item {'FVV' => 1} Return pages which contain video. =back =head2 Requesting Pages at Certain Depths on Website The default is pages at any level on their website. =over 2 =item {'PS'=>'A'} Return pages at any level on their website. This is the default. =item {'PS' => 'D', 'D' => 3 } Return pages within 3 links of "top" page of their website. (Substitute any integer in place of 3.) =item {'PS' => 'F'} Only return pages that are the "top" page of their website. =back =head1 SEE ALSO To make new back-ends, see L. =head1 CAVEATS When www.hotbot.com reports a "Mirror" URL, WWW::Search::HotBot ignores it. Therefore, the number of URLs returned by WWW::Search::HotBot might not agree with the value returned in approximate_result_count. =head1 BUGS Please tell the author if you find any! =head1 AUTHOR As of 1998-02-02, C is maintained by Martin Thurn (MartinThurn@iname.com). C was originally written by Wm. L. Scheding, based on C. =head1 LEGALESE THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =head1 VERSION HISTORY If it is not listed here, then it was not a meaningful nor released revision. =head2 2.18, 2000-06-26 fix for only one page of gui results; and "next" link in new place =head2 2.17, 2000-05-24 was still missing first URL of non-gui(?) results! =head2 2.16, 2000-05-17 was missing first URL of gui results =head2 2.15, 2000-04-03 fixed gui_query() =head2 2.14, 2000-02-01 testing now uses WWW::Search::Test module =head2 2.13, 2000-01-31 bugfix: was missing title =head2 2.12, 2000-01-19 new function gui_query(), and handle output from it =head2 2.10, 1999-12-22 handle new result format =head2 2.09, 1999-12-15 handle new result count format =head2 2.08, 1999-12-10 handle new output format =head2 2.07, 1999-11-12 BUGFIX for domain-limited URL parsing (thanks to Leon Brocard) =head2 2.06, 1999-10-18 www.hotbot.com changed their output format slightly; now uses strip_tags() on title and description =head2 2.05, 1999-10-05 now uses hash_to_cgi_string(); new test cases =head2 2.03, 1999-09-28 BUGFIX: was missing the "Next page" link sometimes. =head2 2.02, 1999-08-17 Now is able to parse "URL-only" format (i.e. {'DE' => 0}) and "brief description" format (i.e. {'DE' => 1}) if the user so desires. =head2 1.34, 1999-07-01 New test cases. =head2 1.32, 1999-06-20 Now unescapes the URLs before returning them. =head2 1.31, 1999-06-11 www.hotbot.com changed their output format ever so slightly. (Thanks to Jim jsmyser@bigfoot.com for pointing it out) =head2 1.30, 1999-04-12 BUG FIX: results for domain-limited search were not parsed. (Thanks to Christopher York yorkc@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu for pointing it out) =head2 1.29, 1999-02-22 www.hotbot.com changed their output format. (Thanks to Tim Chklovski timc@mit.edu for pointing it out) =head2 1.27, 1998-11-06 HotBot changed their output format(?). HotBot.pm now uses hotbot.com's text-only search results format. Minor documentation changes. =head2 1.25, 1998-09-11 HotBot changed their output format ever so slightly. Documentation added for all known HotBot query options! =head2 1.23 Better documentation for boolean queries. (Thanks to Jason Titus jason_titus@odsnet.com) =head2 1.22 www.hotbot.com changed their output format. =head2 1.21 www.hotbot.com changed their output format. =head2 1.17 www.hotbot.com changed their search script location and output format on 1998-05-21. Also, as many as 6 fields of each SearchResult are now filled in. =head2 1.13 Fixed the maximum_to_retrieve off-by-one problem. Updated test cases. =head2 1.12 www.hotbot.com does not do truncation. Therefore, if the query contains truncation characters (i.e. '*' at end of words), they are simply deleted before the query is sent to www.hotbot.com. =head2 1.11, 1998-02-05 Fixed and revamped by Martin Thurn. =cut ##################################################################### package WWW::Search::HotBot; require Exporter; @EXPORT = qw( ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( ); @ISA = qw( WWW::Search Exporter ); $VERSION = '2.18'; $MAINTAINER = 'Martin Thurn '; use Carp (); use WWW::Search qw( generic_option strip_tags ); use WWW::SearchResult; use URI::Escape; # private sub native_setup_search { my ($self, $native_query, $native_options_ref) = @_; $self->{_debug} = $native_options_ref->{'search_debug'}; $self->{_debug} = 2 if ($native_options_ref->{'search_parse_debug'}); $self->{_debug} ||= 0; # Why waste time sending so many queries? Do a whole lot all at once! # 500 results take 70 seconds at 100 per page # 500 results take 234 seconds at 10 per page my $DEFAULT_HITS_PER_PAGE = 100; # $DEFAULT_HITS_PER_PAGE = 10 if $self->{_debug}; $self->{'_hits_per_page'} = $DEFAULT_HITS_PER_PAGE; # $self->timeout(120); # HotBot used to be notoriously slow # As of 1998-05, HotBot apparently doesn't like WWW::Search! When # using user_agent(0), response was "RC: 403 (Forbidden) Message: # Forbidden by robots.txt" $self->user_agent(1); $self->{_next_to_retrieve} = 0; $self->{'_num_hits'} = 0; # Remove '*' at end of query terms within the user's query. If the # query string is not escaped (even though it's supposed to be), # change '* ' to ' ' at end of words and at the end of the string. # If the query string is escaped, change '%2A+' to '+' at end of # words and delete '%2A' at the end of the string. $native_query =~ s/(\w)\052\s/$1\040/g; $native_query =~ s/(\w)\052$/$1\040/g; $native_query =~ s/(\w)\0452A\053/$1\053/g; $native_query =~ s/(\w)\0452A$/$1/g; if (!defined($self->{_options})) { $self->{_options} = { 'search_url' => 'http://www.hotbot.com/text/default.asp', 'DE' => 2, 'SM' => 'MC', 'DC' => $self->{_hits_per_page}, 'MT' => $native_query, }; } # if my $options_ref = $self->{_options}; if (defined($native_options_ref)) { # Copy in new options. foreach (keys %$native_options_ref) { $options_ref->{$_} = $native_options_ref->{$_}; } # foreach } # if # Finally, figure out the url. $self->{_next_url} = $self->{_options}{'search_url'} .'?'. $self->hash_to_cgi_string($options_ref); } # native_setup_search sub gui_query { my ($self, $sQuery, $rh) = @_; $self->{'_options'} = { 'search_url' => 'http://hotbot.lycos.com/', 'MT' => $sQuery, 'SQ' => 1, 'TR' => 1, }; return $self->native_query($sQuery, $rh); } # gui_query # private sub native_retrieve_some { my ($self) = @_; # Fast exit if already done: return undef unless defined($self->{_next_url}); # If this is not the first page of results, sleep so as to not overload the server: $self->user_agent_delay if 1 < $self->{'_next_to_retrieve'}; # print STDERR " * search_from_file is set!\n" if $self->{search_from_file}; # print STDERR " * search_to_file is set!\n" if $self->{search_to_file}; # Get some results print STDERR "\n * sending request (",$self->{_next_url},")" if $self->{'_debug'}; my($response) = $self->http_request('GET', $self->{_next_url}); $self->{response} = $response; if (!$response->is_success) { return undef; } # if print STDERR "\n * got response" if $self->{'_debug'}; $self->{'_next_url'} = undef; # Parse the output my ($TITLE, $HEADER, $HITS, $HIT1, $HIT2, $HIT3, $HIT4, $HIT5, $NEXT, $TRAILER) = qw(TI HE HH H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 NX TR); my ($hits_found) = 0; my ($state) = ($TITLE); my ($hit) = (); my $sHitPattern = quotemeta ''; my $WHITESPACE = '(\s| |
)'; LINE_OF_INPUT: foreach ($self->split_lines($response->content())) { s/\r$//; # delete DOS carriage-return next if m/^\r?$/; # short circuit for blank lines print STDERR "\n * $state ===$_===" if 2 <= $self->{'_debug'}; # \074 is < # \076 is > if ($state eq $TITLE && m@\074title\076HotBot results@i) { # Actual lines of input are: # HotBot results: Christie Abbott (1+) # HotBot results: Martin Thurn print STDERR "title line" if 2 <= $self->{'_debug'}; $state = $HEADER; } # We're in TITLE mode, and line has title elsif ($state eq $HEADER && m!(?:Returned:|WEB${WHITESPACE}RESULTS$WHITESPACE+
)[^<]*?(?:$WHITESPACE|fewer|less|more|than)+([\d,]+)$WHITESPACE+(?:Matches|Results)?!i) { # Actual line of input is: # Returned: 69 Matches  # Returned:  more than 500,000   # Returned:  fewer than 100  
Results for "+LSAM +replication"

# WEB RESULTS   fewer than 500   1 - 2 
# WEB RESULTS   fewer than 500   1 - 10  next >>

WEB RESULTS   7 matches    1 - 7 

1. The Star Wars Collector's Bible (Pizza Hut)
The Star Wars Collector's Bible Search SWB for: Pizza Hut a child company of Pepsico, Inc. 1997 promotions promotional goods plastic tumbler showing Vader & Luke on gantry (comes with red lid) ANH poster ESB poster ROJ poster in-store decorations 6.
7/27/1999 http://www.pitt.edu/~thurn/SWB/pizzahut.html
See results from this site only.

my $iCount = $1 || '0'; $iCount =~ s/\D//g; print STDERR "count line ($iCount) " if 2 <= $self->{'_debug'}; $self->approximate_result_count($iCount); $state = $NEXT; } # we're in HEADER mode, and line has number of results # Stay on this line of input! if (($state eq $NEXT) && ( m|/s.hotbot.com/s.gif| || m!

print STDERR " NO next button (gui mode)" if 2 <= $self->{'_debug'}; $state = $HITS; } # Stay on this line of input! if ((($state eq $NEXT) || ($state eq $HITS)) && m|href="[^"?]+\?([^\"]*?)">next|) { # Actual line of input for gui_query(): # WEB RESULTS   fewer than 500   1 - 10  next >>
# Actual line of input: # 1 - 100  next >>
print STDERR " found next button" if 2 <= $self->{'_debug'}; # There is a "next" button on this page, therefore there are # indeed more results for us to go after next time. $self->{_next_url} = $self->{'_options'}{'search_url'} .'?'. $1; print STDERR "\n + next_url is >>>", $self->{_next_url}, "<<<" if $self->{_debug}; $self->{'_next_to_retrieve'} += $self->{'_hits_per_page'}; $state = $HITS; } # found "next" link in NEXT mode elsif ($state eq $NEXT && ( m|^(?:\074p\076\s)?\074b\076(\d+)\.| || m// )) { print STDERR " no next button; " if 2 <= $self->{'_debug'}; # There was no "next" button on this page; no more pages to get! $self->{'_next_url'} = undef; $state = $HITS; # Fall through (i.e. don't say "elsif") so that the $HITS # pattern matches this line (again)! } if ($state eq $HITS && m|(?:\074p\076\s?)*\074b\076(\d+)\.|i ) { print STDERR "multihit line" if 2 <= $self->{'_debug'}; # Actual lines of input for gui_query(): #

1. Star Wars Collector Magazine
Martin Thurn's fine print fanzine about all areas of Star Wars collecting. News and rumors.
More like this: Arts/ Movies/ Series/ Star Wars/ Magazines and Ezines

# 2. The Star Wars Collector's Bible
by Martin Thurn. A comprehensive and searchable database for info on all manner of SW collectibles.
More like this: Arts/ Movies/ Series/ Star Wars/ Toys and Collectibles

# Actual line of input as of 2000-01-17: # 1. St. Martin in Thurn
St. Martin in Thurn Hotels Additional data coming soon Weitere Daten sind in Bearbeitung Dati ancora in elaborazione
2/21/96 http://www.dse.it/nw/orte/info/stmte.htm
See results from this site only.

# Actual line of input as of 1999-10-18: #

10.  http://www.5ss.com/swafw/info/faq.html
REC.ARTS.SF.STARWARS.COLLECTING FAQ Last updated 4-22-97 ** Coordinators: Paul Levesque (paulleve@map.com) Gus Lopez (lopez@cs.washington.edu) Chris Nichols (anichols@bucknell.edu) Authors: Dave Halsted (def@leland.stanford.edu) Gus Lopez (lopez..
85%  8/27/97 http://www.5ss.com/swafw/info/faq.html
See results from this site only.
# Here is what it looks like if DE=1 (brief description): #

1. Martin Thurn's Index Page
Martin Thurn Why am I so busy? I am gainfully employed at TASC. I have a family including 3 beautiful children. I am a co-habitant with two immaculate cats. I am the editor of The Star Wars Collector, a bimonthly newsletter by Star Wars collectors.

2. **Gasthof Post St. Martin in Thurn Val Badia Sudtirol Alto Adige Southtyrol Suedtirol
Urlaub im Gasthof Post in Pikolein in St. Martin in Thurn in Val Badia in Sudtiro

3. ... my @asHits = split /\074[pP]\076/; foreach my $sHit (@asHits) { print STDERR "\n + === split portion ===$sHit===" if 2 <= $self->{'_debug'}; # 1. Star Wars Collector Magazine
Martin Thurn's fine print fanzine about all areas of Star Wars collecting. News and rumors.
More like this: Arts/ Movies/ Series/ Star Wars/ Magazines and Ezines # 6. Charts, Tables, and Text Files
Text Files Maintained by Gus Lopez (lopez@halcyon.com) Ever wonder which weapon goes with which figure? Well, that's the kind of information you can find right here. Any beginning collector should glance at some of these files since they answer...
11/7/98 http://www.toysrgus.com/textfiles.html
See results from this site only.
my ($iHit,$iPercent,$iBytes,$sURL,$sTitle,$sDesc,$sDate) = (0,0,0,'','','',''); # m/(\d+)\.$WHITESPACE/ && $iHit = $1; $sURL = $1 if $sHit =~ m!(?:\d+). !i; $sURL ||= $1 if $sHit =~ m/uHost=(.+)\"/; # Following line corrected 1999-11-11 to ignore domain-limited link (by Leon Brocard) $sURL ||= $1 if $sHit =~ m!\074/i\076\s*(.+?)\074!; # Following line added 1999-08-17 to recognize brief-description results (DE=1): $sURL = $1 if $sHit =~ m!director.asp\?target=(.+?)\&!i; $sTitle = &strip_tags($1) if $sHit =~ m=\076([^\074]+)\074/a\076=i; $sDate = $1 if $sHit =~ m!\074i\076(\d\d?\/\d\d?\/\d\d)\074/i\076!i; $sDesc = &strip_tags($1) if $sHit =~ m/\074br\076([^\074]+)\074(br|font)/i; $iPercent = $1 if $sHit =~ m/\076(\d+)\%( |\074)/i; $iBytes = $1 if $sHit =~ m/ \s(\d+)\sbytes/i; # Note that we ignore MIRROR URLs, so our total hit count may # get all out of whack. if ($sURL ne '') { if (ref($hit)) { push(@{$self->{cache}}, $hit); } # if $hit = new WWW::SearchResult; # As of 1999-06-20: www.hotbot.pm escapes the URL on this line of output: print STDERR " + raw URL is $sURL...\n" if 5 <= $self->{'_debug'}; $hit->add_url(uri_unescape($sURL)); print STDERR " + unescaped URL is $sURL...\n" if 5 <= $self->{'_debug'}; $hit->title($sTitle) if $sTitle ne ''; $hit->description($sDesc) if $sDesc ne ''; $hit->score($iPercent) if 0 < $iPercent; $hit->size($iBytes) if 0 < $iBytes; $hit->change_date($sDate) if $sDate ne ''; $self->{'_num_hits'}++; $hits_found++; } # if $URL else } # foreach $state = $HITS; } # $state eq HITS } # foreach line of query results HTML page if (defined($hit)) { push(@{$self->{cache}}, $hit); } return $hits_found; } # native_retrieve_some 1; __END__ Martin''s page download results, 1998-02: simplest arbitrary page: http://www.search.hotbot.com/hResult.html?MT=lsam+replication&DE=0&DC=100 http://www.search.hotbot.com/hResult.html?MT=Christie+Abbott&base=100&DC=100&DE=0&act.next.x=1 text-only pages: http://www.hotbot.com/text/default.asp?SM=MC&MT=Martin+Thurn&DC=100&DE=2&DV=0&RG=all&LG=any&_v=2&OPs=MDRTP&NUMMOD=2 explanation of known fields on GUI search page: date = (checkbox) filter by date within = restrict to within DV days before today range = anchor date filter according to the date given in DR DV = (selection) date (age) criteria 0 = no date restriction = restrict to within x days before today DR = (selection) date anchor criteria older = only return pages updated before the date given in DY,DM,DD newer = only return pages updated after the date given in DY,DM,DD DY = two-digit year (1998 = 98) DM = month (January = 1) DD = day of month DC = (entry) number of hits per page DE = (selection) output format 0 = "URL only" (also gives title and score) 1 = brief descriptions (adds description) 2 = full descriptions (adds date and size) FAX = (checkbox) only return pages that contain ActiveX data type FJA = (checkbox) only return pages that contain Java data type FJS = (checkbox) only return pages that contain JavaScript data type FRA = (checkbox) only return pages that contain audio data type FSU = (checkbox) only return pages whose name ends with extension(s) given in FS FS = (text) file extensions for user-defined page-type selection (space-delimited) FSW = (checkbox) only return pages that contain ShockWave data type FVI = (checkbox) only return pages that contain image data type FVR = (checkbox) only return pages that contain VRML data type FVV = (checkbox) only return pages that contain video data type MT = query terms PS = (selection) depth of return page location on its website A = any page on site D = returned pages must be within PD (below) links of the top F = returned pages must be "top" page of website HP = personal pages (not implemented) D = (integer) page depth for PS=D RD = (checkbox) filter by location AN = return pages from anywhere DM = return pages whose URL ends with string given in Domain (below) RG = filter according to value of RG Domain = (text) URL endings for user-defined location selection (space-delimited) for example "microsoft.com" ".cz" RG = (selection) location criteria .com = North America (.com) .net = North America (.net) .edu = North America (.edu) .org = North America (.org) .gov = North America (.gov) .mil = North America (.mil) NA = North America (all) EU = Europe SE = Southeast Asia AS = India & Asia SA = South America DU = Oceania AF = Africa ME = Middle East CA = Central America SM = (selection) search type MC = all the words SC = any of the words phrase = exact phrase title = the page title name = the person url = links to this URL B = Boolean phrase